HBS101 Human Structure and Function 1

Relevant Qualifications

This unit is available for these qualifications:

Unit Description

This entry level unit introduces students to the wonders of the structure and function of the human body and acts as a prerequisite to further study in Clinical Aesthetics. The units begin with an overall introduction of the major body systems before studying the fundamentals of biochemistry that govern how body components (atoms, molecules, macromolecules) can be arranged to form functional cells, tissues and organ systems.

The unit will examine in detail the structure and function of the communication systems, such as the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, endocrine system reproductive and the immune systems.


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the student will be able to:

Graduate Attributes (GA)

In addition to the unit-specific learning outcomes listed above, the following graduate attributes are taught, developed and assessed in varying degrees within this unit:

Key Dates

Week 1 Semester commences
Week 4 Practice Revision Test – no marks recorded
Post Week 6 Mid-semester break
Week 7 Assessment 1: Examination (25%)
Week 12 Assessment 2: Written Assignment (30%)
Week 14 Assessment 3: Examination (45%)